To Walk A Mile..

DAY 171

“You don’t need to explain your dreams. they belong to you.” -paulo coelho
(Tweeted by Tamara Lackey)

We’ve all heard the expression “Don’t judge a person until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.” What is that person’s story? What are their hopes, dreams, fears? What do they need? How could I help them? It’s something I often ponder. I’m not really a people-watcher, but I tend to notice if someone is struggling or having an off day. My favorite quote of all time also happens to be the best advice with how to handle such situations..

“If you see someone without a smile, give him one of yours.”

Switching gears a bit, I heard about a great event today – Duke Medicine’s Ramblin’ Rose Women’s Half Marathon. I’m not sure that I’ll have time to train properly to be able to participate this year, but volunteering is definitely an option! It seems like a great cause & all reviews were very positive & inspiring. If you can, Go For It!

Here’s an awesome pic tweeted by Jasmine Star today: Keep Calm & ..

I started reading Tamara Lackey‘s Capturing Life Through (Better) Photography book today. I had a light bulb moment – an “aha!” moment, if you will. With all the reading & information gathering I’ve had the opportunity to do recently about yoga, massage therapy, & photography, I realized – “Light. Light. Light. See the light. Capture the light. Be the light. Share the light.” It’s all about light!

I am thankful for: shoes. And books!



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