Archive for December, 2011

Ducky & Snowy & A Santa Hat..

I apologize for the delayed, short, sweet, & possibly incoherent post you’re about to read. (I may be slightly under the weather & also under the influence of OTC meds.)

Mom & I went to the mall on Christmas Eve, which was shockingly less crazy than I expected. Our main objective: people watching. What actually happened: money was spent & things were purchased.

I brought home 2 owl babies that day. (No, not real ones, sadly.) Ducky is a light switch wall plate from Anthropologie. And Snowy is an ornament I found at one of the anchor stores, which I can’t recall.. They’re just so stinkin’ cute!

After the eventful people-watching-shopping day, I came home and was able to snag a couple Christmasy shots of Jac & Moonlight. Yes, they’re pretty stinkin’ cute too : )

I think this is an okay place for me to stop with the words & start with the pictures.

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! And happy early 2012!!







Branch By Branch..

For the past few years, my family’s Christmas tree has been decorated with blue & silver ornaments (for the most part) with a few random & sentimental ornaments placed throughout. While the tree was still shining brightly, I decided to photograph a few.

First up, a series of glass ornaments filled with white beads. Probably my favorite ornaments because they are so unique & beautiful.

Then there are the blue & silver ornaments that have been decorated by hand with shimmery snowflakes. Simply gorgeous.

There are also snowflakes made of jewel-like craft pieces. So pretty!

The last group of ornaments are beaded stars. My second favorites!

Among the unique ornaments is the glass sphere packed with sand, sun, & memories from our Orlando trip last year. Mom & I found it in the hotel gift shop : )

We also brought home a glass heart made by a glassblower we were fortunate enough to see in action in Universal Studios.

Last, but never least in my mind, is a Christmas tree made of white sea shells. A family I babysat for for about 2 years (now living in FL) gave us the ornament as a Christmas present. I’ll cherish it forever!

Well folks, that concludes the writing portion for this entry : ) Now for the pictures! I wish you all a very happy Christmas Eve [tomorrow]. I plan on visiting the mall with mom & people-watching. Happy times!!



















































Artifully Beautiful..

I arrived home this morning only to receive a phone call from my brother moments later requesting that I “come outside.” I followed the instructions and was surprisingly greeted by my Christmas present! B gave me a photograph. An art dealer visited his job this morning and he picked up a few pieces. The one he got for me happens to be of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I love it! Thanks for the newest addition to the massage studio! Love you!

The photos that follow my Christmas art are of the fused glass dishes I made. A week or so ago I posted about going to a glass class with M. Today we (finally) had enough time to hang out AND tackle picking up the glass! Here are a few shots of the pieces! (I didn’t get any of M’s or I’d have posted them as well.)

Happy Creating!

























Miss Brittany & M..

Today was definitely worth blogging about ..especially since there were pictures!!
I arrived at M’s house to watch her for a few hours. I had just met with my mom to finalize our Christmas card photos, so I still had Baby (the camera) with me. She was pretending to be Andy (from Toy Story) taking care of his little sister, along with his two favorite toys – Woody & Buzz. (Starting to see why I like this kid so much?!) After seeing me take a few pictures of her family’s cat, Goose, in a Santa hat (of course those pics are included!), she wanted to try. She did very well! M is now my unofficial protégé : ) The pictures continued throughout the day, including our time at the park!

Thanks, M, for being so awesome!!

Order of the pictures: Goose, pics I took, pics M took, & Christmas cards.

Happy Picture-taking!













































































These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things..

Christmas.. (usually) my most favorite time of year ..doesn’t quite have the same feeling this year, and I’m not sure why. However, I’m dedicating this post to some of my favorite things of the season in the hopes of spreading some holiday happiness (& perhaps getting myself in the holiday spirit)!

We only have a few holiday traditions around our house, but they’re pretty awesome. For example, it has been my job since I was about 8 years old to make the wise men travel from some point of the entertainment center to the nativity scene. (Told you they were awesome!) My Dutch neighbor found out about this the other day and has apparently been laughing about it hysterically ever since. : )

Another thing we always do as a family is watch White Christmas & Christmas Vacation. Two of my favorite movies!! Mom & I actually rein acted the highlights of Christmas Vacation last week. Priceless! (If you haven’t seen these movies..I may have to rethink our friendship. Kidding..kind of.) A Charlie Brown Christmas, Elf, and The Polar Express are also among the holiday favs.

For the past 2 years, my family has visited Florida during the week of Christmas. We spend our time at Universal Studios, Disney World, and visiting a family I babysat for for 2 years – they are basically extended family. : ) I’m really going to miss the trip this year! We’re having a staycation instead! (I’m dreaming of a white Christmas..)

The tradition of opening ONE present on Christmas Eve was a bigger deal when we were younger, but boy was it THE thing we looked forward to. I remember Brad and I taking stock of what presents we had. What they sounded like. How big the boxes were. Oh yeah baby – we had that 1st present picked out way in advance!

Tanglewood Light Festival is something else we used to enjoy yearly! We haven’t been since we moved away from Winston-Salem, but I think we may visit this year! (Can we say photo-op?!) We’d pile in the van – popcorn, blankets, friends, and Christmas music in tow – and make our way through the maze of lighted bliss. Ahh..the memories!

Something I’d very much like to make an annual tradition, is seeing the Trans Siberian Orchestra live in concert. I went with a friend and my brother last year, and it was amazing!! Here’s one of my favorites! 

I’m normally that person who has presents planned by early October, purchased & wrapped in early November, and under the tree immediately after it has been decorated. Not so much this year; but this year the tree went up the week after Thanksgiving! A Herzberg family record!

Despite not having any gifts wrapped and under the tree (let alone purchased yet :/ ) I do have a theme planned. I decided I want all the presents I give to be linked to a charity. I have so far found the following options (but will definitely take suggestions!):

*Cookies For Kids’ Cancer ..A non-profit, large-scale bake sale type of organization. When you purchase cookies (by the dozen) the money actually goes toward “changing the facts of pediatric cancer for the better.” You can host bake sales, donate money directly to the organization, even host golf tournaments or car washes.

*TOMS ..a for-profit organization benefiting children in need of shoes in developing countries. For every pair of shoes you purchase, Blake Mycoskie will give a pair to a child in need. AND now TOMS has eyewear! (I just discovered that you can host a Style Your Sole party where guests can design their own pair of TOMS! Now the creative wheels are turning and I’m hoping to put a party together for some time in 2012!)

*Krochet Kids a non-profit organization with the slogan of “Buy a Hat. Change a Life.” The organization provides employment for those in Northern Uganda. Each crocheted piece is unique, with the creator’s name on the tag attached to the piece!

*This Shirt Helps an organization that raises “funding and awareness of worthy causes.” Once you place your order, you can choose from the categories (planet, animals, people, disaster relief) which you’d like your purchase to benefit.

This year is also the first year Baby (my camera) has been around, so I wanted to get a few shots of the season. Below are some of these pictures (with a few older pictures thrown in).

I wish all of you a very happy & stress-free holiday season, whatever your style may be!



The Travelling Wise Men


New Stocking Hangers!

"Presents aren't everything. I'm going to need a lot of cookies, too."

Mommy - ready for Dad's company Christmas party

Our 2011 Christmas Card Photo

From our 2009 FL visit with the extended family2010 FL trip - with the girls


My first pair of TOMS!



To Frit, Or Not To Frit..

The tale of a fused glass class. Oh yeah ..expanding my creative horizons!

A few months ago I bought vouchers on Living Social for a fused glass class, courtesy of Christal Cerrone. Long story short, I ended up taking the class today with a friend, M. We had a great time! We met a few of the regulars and learned quite a few things: the word for the crushed glass bits that look like bits of sand is “frit” and it is SO cool to make & use; psycho eyes on penguins look awesome; don’t overuse the dichroic glass!

There were different sizes and shapes to choose from – M & I chose these 4 little glass dishes. We were given 4 squares of clear glass and were then shown the different sizes, types, and colors of glass we were allowed to incorporate in our designs. It was actually a bit more daunting than I thought it would be, but once I started collecting pieces of glass, I came up with some pretty color combos. M approached the task differently and decided to design the pieces with the interests of their eventual recipients in mind (and they turned out so well!). M suggested taking before and after pictures. So…below are the before pictures! (We’ll go back at some point this weekend to pick up the finished products!)

SN: The pictures aren’t the best ..I was too busy being a social butterfly & laughing at everything (shocking – I know!).

Stay tuned for the after pics!

































Skirting On The Grass..

..and other such adventures of this past Monday.

Apologies for the tardiness of this (lengthy) post, but I’ve been busy listening to Milo Greene, Andrew Heringer, & Dawson&Marie since very early Tuesday morning. (Some favorites: Perfectly Aligned, Silent Way, Cutty Love, 1957, Baskets, Roads ..ok, all of their songs!)

Allow me to backtrack a bit, to Monday.. It was a beautiful day here in Durham. That night was girls night and I was PUMPED (which was quite obvious ..the entire night. Sorry guys!)! The four of us – L, M, N, & myself (I threw off the alphabetography!) – were to meet at Straw Valley Cafe and then caravan-carpool it to Duke for The Civil Wars concert.

L and I arrived first only to find out the cafe was actually closed for the night. However, the owner is such a super nice fellow that he not only allowed us to stay on the grounds and take quite a few photographs (while he creeperishly walked around for a bit), but also made his best attempt at a hot chocolate for L & then my tea latte. Job well done, sir. Thanks Scott!

Once M & N arrived, we migrated to the closest Starbucks. We chatted for a bit, and then were off to the main event! True, we were absolutely thrilled to finally see The Civil Wars in concert (rescheduled from Oct 20th due to Joy’s illness), but Milo Greene exceeded all expectations & rocked our socks off!

From the moment the auditorium lights dimmed and fog machine was turned on, I was pretty much entranced by the 5 person concoction of awesomeness. As Andrew (player of any instrument that has strings or can be hit his words) told it, they knew each other from college, had each dabbled in various smaller projects, and one day it just clicked that this is what they were supposed to be doing. The band’s name is also a neat story. (I’m always one for a good ol’ how-the-name-came-about tale!) When the group first got to the point where they wanted to start playing shows, they sent out emails and such under the alias “Milo Greene” ..and thus, the band was named. But back to the performance.. after each song, they ALL changed instruments. It was one of the most incredible things I’ve seen. It’s pretty awe-inspiring to see someone, let alone five someones, who are so musically talented.

After their incredible set was over, there was intermission (AKA: set change). The girls & I chose to take the opportunity to dash outside and pick up the tour-exclusive EP. One word – repeat button. : )

Fast forward through the bathroom lines, random couple standing in front of us, reviewing the Milo Greene pictures, and we arrive at the much-anticipated duo …The Civil Wars!

The screams began before they even brought the lights up! And once they did, the simplistic set up of Joy, John Paul, the piano, & the guitars proved to be just enough! I don’t know if I’ll ever experience anything quite like that live performance. The pair completely captivated the entire audience. Joy with her dainty & almost whimsical dance moves, and the way she sang to John Paul for the better part of the concert. John Paul with his Johnny Depp-ness ……. oh, and his musical talent, yada, yada. You could literally hear a pin drop more than a handful of occasions throughout their performance. In between several songs, Joy & John Paul’s adorable banter was on display. In the end, there was a standing ovation ..along with 2 encore songs!! Thank you both for sharing your AMAZING talents! My attempt to summarize their set with words has most likely fallen short, but will hopefully convince you to see them live, or at least check out their recordings!

Now for the story of how the title of this post came into being! As the audience was shuffling out of the auditorium, we decided to (instead of attempting to find Joy & John Paul’s bus) see if we could find Milo Greene and have them sign our CDs. Luckily, they were variously placed on the lawn, armed with Sharpies for our signing pleasure. After spending some time people watching, we made it to Andrew Heringer. One of the nicest musicians I’ve met. He hung out with us on the lawn chatting, taking pictures, and chatting some more. Next thing we know, he’s saying he has this desire to lie on the grass and look up at Duke Chapel, so he went for it. Shortly thereafter, M & L joined him and there I was – camera in-hand – stating that I must try a different angle so as to not get any “skirtage” … And thus, skirting on the grass was born. The girls & I very much enjoyed our time hanging out with Milo Greene after the concert, and look forward to their next local (or LA…) performance!

Here’s to a very enjoyable & memorable night, and an extremely long-winded blog post to show for it!


PS: Most of the photo credit goes to Lydia Mitchell! Thanks, Lady!

Order of pics: Straw Valley Cafe..Milo Greene..The Civil Wars..Post-Concert Pics